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All of us can meet our goals and make at least some of our wildest dreams come true, but many of us have various mental barriers that are stopping us from reaching our full potential and being all we can be.

If you’re struggling to make much progress with your goals—if it feels like you’re never moving forward—you could have some useless mental habits. Below, you will find some of the most common mental barriers that, if you can conquer them, will help you finally reach your full potential and truly thrive.


Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem is a common mental barrier and one issue most likely to hold you back from reaching your full potential. Often, low self-esteem stems from childhood. If you experienced a significant trauma or a major failure in early life, you may still carry that with you, thinking that you are not worthy as a person. If this is the case, you will never believe in yourself for long and your negative thinking patterns will lead you to sabotage your efforts if you even try to reach your goals.

How can you overcome low self-esteem? Things like online therapy or psychoanalysis may help you pinpoint where your low self-esteem comes from so that you can understand it and move on. Another thing you can do is use your past experiences to spur you on to do better and be more positive, rather than allowing them to drag you down.

Fear of Failure

Fear of failure is also a big issue for many people. When you’re so worried that you might not do something well that it paralyzes you from even trying, it’s impossible to reach your full potential, but it doesn’t have to be that way. You can use your fear as fuel for the fire. Use it to spur you on and tell yourself that fear is the first step to achieving something in your life, and that failure is a necessary step to success.

Everyone who has been successful in life has failed along the way. From J. K. Rowling to Steve Jobs to Oprah. Be like them and instead of giving up, keep moving through the fear, learn from your failures and ultimately triumph.


Procrastination is often linked to feelings of low self-esteem or a fear of failure, but it can also be an issue in its own right. Overcoming procrastination can be difficult, but it is possible if you take the time to really examine why you procrastinate and perhaps get some therapy to help you deal with that.

It can also be useful to set yourself a daily schedule to follow so that you know exactly what you need to do and when. Often, all it takes to overcome procrastination is to take a small starting step—once you get going it’s much easier to keep going.

Want some help to conquer these mental barriers to success? Book a free 60-minute coaching consultation to find out if we would be a good fit working together.

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About the author 


Life coach, author, podcast host, cat mom, wife, Ravenclaw, and semi-compulsive hiker living in the Montana Rockies.

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