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Welcome to The Journey to Magnificence! This is week thirty-seven: October 21 – 27, 2018.

It’s interesting how quickly time flies by. It seems like only last week that I started this challenge to hand-copy the Book of Acts in 30 days (really 28, because there are only 28 chapters and I’m not the kind to take “grace” days if I can help it). And yet, November is right around the corner and with it, November’s 30-day challenge.

I’m already a quarter through this year of challenges, and it makes me wonder if this is a side effect of getting older – and subsequently experiencing the speeding up of time.

week thirty-seven top image

What I Said I’d Do

  • Finish writing, editing, and scheduling the posts & social media for November – in order to focus completely on NaNoWriMo
  • Flesh out the outline/plan for my NaNo book so I’m ready to hit the ground running on November 1st.

What I Actually Worked On

  • I spent a LOT of time this week thinking about, organizing, and planning for NaNoWriMo. It officially starts on November 1st, and since I’ve never done it before I wanted to get as much planning and brainstorming done as possible to save time during November.
  • As for the posts for November…those got mostly done by the skin of my teeth – Sunday night. There’s still some editing and scheduling work to be done, but the bulk of the content is written.

Days 253-259 



Prep is heavily underway, and every day I’m more excited to start this project. I have my outline and synopsis done, character sheets filled out, worldbuilding ideas percolating, and I want to share the preliminary synopsis with you here, in advance of the post dedicated to November’s challenge (which will be up on Thursday 11/1).

My NaNo novel is actually a mash-up of the two stories I wrote as a teenager.

“Emma Jackman from small-town Palouse, Washington, about to turn 18, is also about to receive the shock of her life. She grew up reading letters left to her by her father (who died the day after her first birthday) – letters that somehow predicted events for each year. She’s kept the contents of these letters secret from everyone, including her mother (or so she believes), but she’s starting to have doubts. Day by day, the tesseract birthmark on her palm gets darker. And every time they Skype, she can tell her brother has his own secret. The final letter cracks her world wide open, at the same time isolating her even further from her distant and uncaring mother. Can Emma confirm the truth of her new reality before it consumes her?”

I’m also going to be extra wild and share a cover I created on Canva in about five minutes:

week thirty-seven nano

So what does NaNoWriMo have to do with mental health?

A lot, actually, at least in my opinion. I firmly believe that writing is a form of therapy and that everyone has a story inside them. They just have to write to let it out. I cover this concept in this post on why everyone should write every day.

I’ll admit that this past month I have not written every day, and I feel lacking for having let that practice lapse. As part of my endeavor to embrace extreme ownership (affiliate link), I have no excuses for letting myself stop writing consistently.


Do you have a story living inside you?

Have you thought about participating in NaNoWriMo to finally get it on the page?

Check out NaNo resources here.

What’s Next?

  • Finish up prepping for November: posts, social media, pins.
  • Start NaNoWriMo!

week thirty-seven pinterest

The Journey to Magnificence is a series of weekly summaries of my journey through courses and resources provided by or found through the Work at Home School, hosted and delivered by Caitlin Pyle.

If you missed a post or found this one first, the others can be found here:

About the author 


Life coach, author, podcast host, cat mom, wife, Ravenclaw, and semi-compulsive hiker living in the Montana Rockies.

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